Entries by service

The second phase of AG Innovation Challenges: 21-23 April, 2002 Live stream on Youtube

The Grand Jury of the 2020 Agriculture Innovation Challenges organized by the World Bank and Draper University have selected the top solutions within the three categories to move forward with a virtual ‘shark-tank’ style pitching event. The Challenge received 116 proposals from innovators covering a wide geography of 33 countries, including India, South Africa, Russia, various […]

IAAS visit YONGLIN FARM on February 24, 2020.

IAAS Vice Chairman Prof. Tzong-Ru(Jiun-Shen) Lee, consultant Dr. Yun-Han Chao and Associate Prof. Yun-Yang Chao visit YONGLIN FARM on February 24, 2020. Thanks so much to CEO Bai, General Manager Liu and Factory Director Li for the warm reception, and discussion on how to use Taiwan’s agricultural science and technology to help the world for […]