IAAS and Distinguished Citizens Society of Canada co-organized and held the 2019 Fragrance Aesthetics Industry Forum-The Key to Anti-aging and Health Preservation at Vancouver and Toronto, Canada on this September. This Forum has been held at Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society, Metro Square Mall, NHH Centre and Markham, and attracted more than 80 people to attend at each section.

We sincerely appreciate the support and attendance of the participants! This Forum is successful due to your attendance and contribution. Meanwhile, we would also like to appreciate the sponsorship from Fragrance Aesthetics.

Next year, the Fragrance Aesthetics Industry Forum will be held in New Zealand. Please follow us to receive the latest news!



与此同时,我们也特别感谢”芬芳美学”,提供牛樟冻顶乌龙茶与牛樟咖啡于现场供各为饮用! 如您想更加了解芬芳美学之产品,请脸书搜寻 #芬芳美学

明年芬芳美学论坛将在纽西兰举办,请各位继续追踪国际农业永续学会IAAS官网及FB 以得到最新消息!