Link to: IAIC Proceeding
Proceeding of International Agriculture Innovation Conference
A publication of the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS)
A publication of the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS)
2020 volume 1 ︱pages88–98(2020)
Crop Insurance is a comprehensive risk insurance designed to mitigate the loss of income suffered by farmers in the event just as variations in weather, pest attack, erractic rainfall and humidity affecting agricultural crops in India. This paper demonstrates the relevance of crop insurance in India as well as critical evaluation of various schemes offered by Government of India and how effectively implemented the claim settlement process throughout the lock down era. Being crop insurance has been widely studied despite that the revamp of schemes by the Government and claim procedures at the event of lock down remains to be reviewed. Amidst the natural calamities faced by Indian farmers, wide spread of covid-19 and lockdown procedures owing to the farmers produce more troublesome. Crop insurance attenuates the loss of income due to adverse state of affairs and so on. Covid stimulated reduction in income buried the farmer’s life more miserable. Finally, this descriptive study explains whether the grievances get redressed and claim status would be analyzed. However, the claim settlement process has been slowed down owing to lockdown. This slow process is prevailing, a hard hitting affair for those suffering from covid-19 disruptions. The study relies on secondary data from various sources like Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) annual reports, National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) reports, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India websites, reports, journals, newspapers, etc. This pioneering paper helps in improving the present day incidents affecting the farmers as well as policy makers, for boosting agriculture and for the betterment of the society.
Crop Insurance, Claim Settlement, Covid-19, Lockdown, IRDAI
Institute of Management in Government (IMG), India
Biji B S
Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College for Women, India Institute of Management in Government (IMG), Thiruvananthapuram, India
Suleena V S