Link to: IAIC Proceeding
Proceeding of International Agriculture Innovation Conference
A publication of the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS)
A publication of the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS)
Omodara, Adebayo Ahmed
2020 volume 1 ︱pages156–165(2020)
Diseases have been the major cause of shortage in the supply of animal protein in most developing countries of the world. The prohibitive cost of modern veterinary medicine makes ethnoveterinary medicine a very laudable alternative, hence the survey of use of ethnoveterinary remedies on diseases of small ruminant within nomadic settlement of soba LGA of Kaduna State. Survey research method was adopted with a sample of 100 farmers from four out of the eight districts within the study area. Questionnaire was the instrument adopted for the study. The instrument was validated and reliability of 0.85 was established. The instrument was administered by the researcher personally hence 100% rate of return was recorded. The data were collected on socioeconomic background of the nomadic farmers, identification of diseases, season of prevalence and various mode of administration of these ethnoveterinary medicines which were subjected to simple frequency and percentages. Result of the study indicated that majority of the farmers have; no formal education, adequately aware of small ruminant animals diseases, season of prevalence and mode of remedy administration. Among others, it was recommended that the Veterinary Department of Kaduna State Ministry of Agriculture should cooperate with the local farmers in developing dosage for these herbs.
Ethnoveterinary Remedies, Diseases, Small ruminants and Nomads
Agricultural Education Department, Federal College of Education, Zaria
Omodara, Adebayo Ahmed