Petr Skobelev
Information Technology
- Head – Department of Samara State Technical University, Russia
- Chairman – Directors Board of Smart Solutions, Ltd, Russia
- Senior Scientist – the Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Russia
- Founder and President – “Knowledge Genesis” Group of Companies
Professor at Samara State Aerospace University, Russia
- Member – Samara Governor Council on science and technology, Russia
- Member – Russian National Artificial Intelligence Association, Russia
- Member – IEEE Association “Industrial Agents”
Awarded by National Prizes for Best Company, Best Products, Best Innovations, Export Activities, etc.
- Co-Organizer of International Conference “Complex Systems” in the UK and Russia
- Invited Speaker of well-known EU conferences on multi-agent systems: HoloMAS, PAAMS, etc.
- Awarded as a “Best scientist” of Samara city and region.